We are very grateful for the ongoing support of these organisations.
Each year we have other sponsors who come on board to help us run our Annual Country Show, and their logos will be added here as they come forward for 2024.
To learn more about becoming one of our valued sponsors, click on the button below.
Our Sponsors
Diamond Partner
Sapphire Partner
Ruby Partners

Emerald Partners
Cricks Noosa Mitsubishi
Grow Landscape Yard
North Coast Law Pomona
Pomona Ag Supplies
Suttons Cleaning Service
Regime Equestrian
Opal Partners
Cooroy Landscape Supplies
Bergman Equestrian
Solace Farm
Pearl Partners
Cooroy Auto Wreckers
Cooroy Service Centre
Cooroy Veterinary Surgery
Club Pomona
Australian Friesian Horse Society
Sanden Equestrian
SJ Bell Fencing
The Brumby Project
Supporting Partners
Amanda Von
Barry Gill Plumbing
Concept Photography
Cooroy Rag
Cooroy Sheet Metal & Tank Works
Cordwells Concrete
Cronin Excavations
Equine Botanicals
Hinterviews Farm Stay
In Touch Electrical
James & Son Feeds
Jessica Jensen - Raine & Horne Noosa Hinterland
Lori Biffin - Raine & Horne Noosa Hinterland
Noosa Art & Craft Association
Noosa Firewood
Noosa Today
Noosa Radio
Pomona Newsagency
Pomona Pony Club
Purple Pooch Parlour
Rhiannon Hart
Robert Graham Earthmoving
Sharon Johnston
Tanada Farm
The Ashton Family
The Beattie Family
The Brumby Association
The Drew Family
Tom Carmen Electrical
Tom Grady Rural Merchandise
Zinc 96.1